Tuesday, June 15, 2010

All About Us


HI I am Kelsey I live in Wisconsin and I Homeschool and i have 10 acers and chickens and turkeys and 2 cats named Jade and Purl. My dad built our house and I have six people in my family, 4 kids and 2 adults! I have great friends and my favorite animal is a Walrus and I LOVE
PIE!!!!! My favorite colors are Purple, Blue And Black, I got to paint my room which is blue! I like to write stories read Play outside in our fort or by my cliff or by the pond! I also love to make rock friends! I want the world to have more peace and have kids play outside more and the oil spill to stop and pollution and litter and cutting down trees to stop!We need to start helping more animals to! I LOVE THE EARTH!


hi I'm Ella hi i love me hello me pie !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hi! I'm Mimi, and I have a lot of people in my family! All of us in the newspaper/magazine are Home schooled! I love candy! I hope you like our blog and our newspaper/magazine, if you read it! I love to donate money 2 foundations that help animals!


Hi, I'm Ben! I love to play video games! I play soccer too! My sister is Mimi. We have a dog named Emily! She is cute!


Hi, my name is Taylor. I am 12 years old, and i love to act. My favorite food is chocolate, and i love to bake with it to. I love to paint peoples nails, and do hair. I used to live in the state of Oregon, but i moved back ( i used to live in Wisconsin before) a few months ago. I am Unschooled and i love to read

Elise could not be at this meeting, so she will write her bio when she gets back!!!

Thank you for reading!